Kol Ami means Voice of the People. Our group is also a circle of friends. Our vision is to establish a strong reform Jewish Community in the University City Area of Charlotte. We look forward to meeting other "friends" who will join us for this journey.

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Official - Kol Ami is a Chavurah of Temple Beth El

On April 1st, Kol Ami launched as an official Chavurah of Temple Beth El, Charlotte, NC. It's official name will be Chavurah Kol Ami - University City to reflect the need to organize the reform Jewish families and unaffiliated families in the North Charlotte region.

University City has over 100,000 people who live and work here and each year more Jewish families have chosen to relocate here. We have identified over 60 Beth El member families in this area. We also have built a relationship with the UNCC Hillel which was recently voted one of the top Hillels in the state.

Kol Ami met with Temple Executives over the the past few months and identified some of the challenges facing the families. Some of the issues discussed included difficulty attending weekday Hebrew School and Friday Night services due to transportation/car pool. We also felt strongly that many of the families in this area do not have an opportunity to meet socially or to celebrate Jewish Holidays.
Based upon the committment of our membership, we will try to address these.

I want to thank Rabbi Judy, Fred Dumas (President), Jonathan Howard (1st VP), Sara Schreibman (Temple Administrator) and Rabbi Scott Sperling of the URJ for participating in this process and listening to our needs and concerns.

This is just the beginning of a journey that will enrich us all.

Note: To Join Kol Ami's mailing list, please see the link to the right of this page.


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