Kol Ami means Voice of the People. Our group is also a circle of friends. Our vision is to establish a strong reform Jewish Community in the University City Area of Charlotte. We look forward to meeting other "friends" who will join us for this journey.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sukkot was a Sukkcess!

Our kickoff event for Kol Ami was a smashing success. We had over 40 people attend from kids to grandparents to college students from UNCC Hillel.

Under the full moon of Erev Sukkot, our community came together to build our Sukkah outside of the Cone Center on the UNCC Campus. The Sukkah building was a team effort.
We used bales of Hay for the walls of the Sukkah and decorated the sukkah with gourds, fruits, vegetables and pumpkins.

Jordan Poler, our event co-chair, built a 5 ft Jewish Star out of 2 x 4's. Each person was asked to write out their wish for the Jewish New Year on a small piece of wood and that was nailed to the Jewish Star which was hung from the front of the Sukkah.

The Sukkah Service was run by Sarah (past President of UNCC Hillel, Brian, current President of Hillel) and me. Sarah gave us an overview of the holiday of Sukkot and led us in the candle blessing. I was the lulav waver and expert and explained the meaning of the lulav. Brian led us in the blessings over the sukkah and the wine and challah.

Celeste Barone and other parents helped the children make Lulavs out of newspapers. Each child also painted their own small pumpkin which they could bring into the Sukkah.

All the families did a great job in preparing our feast of chicken, fresh vegetables
drinks and dessert.

Many of us made new friends tonight from across North Charlotte. The children had a fun time with plenty of room outdoors to run around after the dinner.

The Hillel Students did a wonderful job of helping to prepare the Sukkah and being part of our dinner.

Michelle Wayman of the Charlotte Observer was there to report on our event, we look forward to seeing photographs of our event in the University Section of the Charlotte Observer on Thursday.

We would love to have your comments about this event on the "blog", so please add them to this article or forward them to me at arksales@aol.com.


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